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Sapphire Early Learning Center Tuition

Full Day Tuition For Children Under Three Years Old
$275 per week

This includes Infant, Junior Toddler, and Senior Toddler Classes.

Children are welcome to be with us from 7:30 am -5:30 pm.

Full Day Tuition For Children Over Three Years Old 
$250 per week

This includes our Preschool Class.

Children are welcome to be with us from 7:30 am -5:30 pm.


Morning Only Classes (8:30 am - 12:30 pm)
$126 per week for 3 days a week
$175 per week for 5 days a week

This includes our Infant, Junior Toddler, Senior Toddler, and Preschool Classes.

** Only offered during the school year (September - early June)**






School Aged After School Program

$150 per Week 

$50 per day for a full day


The full day tuition applies for any days your child is present before the end of school and it applies to summer School days.

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